Trends and Issues in Renewable Energy Education

With worldwide demand for energy increasing every day, the development of new, clean, renewable energy sources is critical to Earth's environment. To use clean-energy technology to help developing countries improve their quality of life and economies. Turkey is an energy importing country. Turkey presently has considerable renewable energy sources. The most important renewable sources are hydropower, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass. The use of renewable energy as a topic to study energy and its forms permits a novel way to motivate students, particularly those who energy topics taking conscience with the environment. We would like to achieve this by looking beyond the schools’ curricula and by introducing modern environmental and energy management methods in Universities and Vocational High Schools. This increases the methodological competencies of students and facilitates their change from school to professional life. Students play an active role in the systematic improvement processes of the schools and are even eligible to be trained to become environmental auditors. The modern internet-based learning methods and instruments are highly attractive for the students and instructors.