Cable-stayed bridges are a recent development in bridge structural design in which the cables meet the bridge deck at an acute angle rather than perpendicularly. Some early cable-stayed bridges have exhibited large amplitude stay cable oscillations. One such bridge, the Fred Hartman Bridge across the Houston Ship Channel in Texas displayed two different modes of vibration: a local mode involving independent motion of individual cables and a global mode, in which the cables vibrated collectively under certain wind and rain conditions. This abrupt shift in mode as a function of a change in environmental parameters suggests chaotic behavior. Analysis of the probability density function of maximum accelerations of the cables typically showed a fractal power law distribution at lower values, but also some sharp changes in the tails. The Lorentz Map plots of the data also indicated two regimes: a dissipative one at lower acceleration values and chaotic behavior beyond a critical acceleration value. The plots also imply that the chaotic system is nearly one-dimensional. The working hypothesis is that steady winds impose additional stresses on the stay cables that push them over the boundary into the chaotic regime where random impulses from falling raindrops become amplified into cable oscillations.
N. P. Jones,et al.
Wind Effects on Long Span Cable Stayed Bridges : Assessment and Validation
Shuang Jin,et al.
Application of a maximum entropy method to estimate the probability density function of nonlinear or chaotic behavior in structural health monitoring data
SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring.
Michael F. Barnsley,et al.
Fractals everywhere, 2nd Edition
R. Levine,et al.
An Algorithm for Finding the Distribution of Maximal Entropy
Shuang Jin,et al.
Stochastic system invariant spectrum analysis applied to smart systems in highway bridges
SPIE Smart Structures and Materials + Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring.
F. Mainardi,et al.
Fractals and fractional calculus in continuum mechanics