Pre-Test Analysis of an Integral Effect Test to Simulate a LOCA of Large Pressurized Water Reactors

A pre-test analysis of a small-break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) has been performed for the integral effect test loop of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI-ITL), the construction of which will be started soon. The KAERI-ITL is a full-height and 1/310 volume-scaled test facility based on the design features of the APR1400 (Korean Next Generation Reactor). This paper briefly introduces the basic design features of the KAERI-ITL and presents the results of pre-test analysis for a postulated cold leg SBLOCA. Based on the same control logics and accident scenarios, the similarity between the KAERIITL and the prototype plant, APR1400, is evaluated by using the MARS code, which is a multi-dimensional best-estimate thermal hydraulic code being developed by KAERI. It is found that the KAERI-ITL and APR 1400 have similar thermal hydraulic responses against the analyzed SBLOCA scenario. It is also verified that the volume scaling law, applied to the design of the KAERI-ITL, gives a reasonable results to keep a similarity with APR1400. (authors)