A computerized quantitative image analysis procedure for investigating features and an adapted image process *

A software solution for a detailed morphometric analysis of individual features in an image is presented. Its principle of function is explained. The algorithm for feacure recognition is based on the comparison of two adjacent scanning lines, using the criterion of overlapping feature intercepts. It is supplemented by a special address calculation. Care has been taken about optimizing storage space and computing time. The capability of this quantitative image analysis procedure is documented by the large number (more than thirty) of feature parameters that may be obtained. The program provides for the evaluation both of statistical measures of these parameters and of the usual stereological integrals. Starting from the known image amending processes-erosion, dilatation, opening, and closing-a new one for isolating features in an originally interconnected image pattern has been developed. This so-called cut process can present all the separated features together in one image, allowing the subsequent application of the above quantitative image analysis procedure. Various stages of the cutting effect are illustrated. The investigation of the pore space in sedimentary rocks is referred to as an example of application of these techniques.