Upcoming Second IEEE MTT-S Region 1 DML Tour [Around the Globe]

We are looking forward to our second IEEE MTT-S Region 1 Distinguished Member Lecturer (DML) tour with Dr. Richard Cameron as our speaker. This tour follows the success of our first tour with Dr. Shiban Koul (IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 13, no. 7, 2012, pp. 85-87). Our tour speakers have a very aggressive speaking schedule. This is one of many initiatives to help reduce cost to our Society and, in turn, keep IEEE MTT-S membership dues low. The expense of one trip covering several local chapters is significantly less than several single tours, especially with the increasing cost of airfare. As an aid to alleviate the stress of traveling in unknown territories we, the Regional coordinators, travel with the speaker. As previously stated in our review of the first Region 1 tour (Northeast USA), there are many local MTT-S Chapters within driving distance of each other. Show us your MTT-S support by attending one or all of our talk locations.