battery power of nodes and nodes automatically move to the docking station if the power drops below a certain threshold. Secondly, for outdoor testbeds, the solar panels can be used to auto-recharge the batteries. Thirdly, for localization the centralized or distributed mechanisms can be employed and finally, an interface is required so that the user can perform the experiment using testbed interface. The existing interfaces of most of the MWSNTs are the "on the site interfaces" which means the interfaces are located at the testbed site and cannot be accessed remotely. However, most of the static WSN testbeds provideremote, online interface, such as Quri Nettestbed (2). Several initiatives are already taken to address the above mentioned challenges, in the development of various testbeds. A few ofsuch testbeds are included in this paper in order to give an idea about the kind of workalready done and what are the future trends in research. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II, a brief study of testbeds for different selected parameters (such as infrastructure, deployment, mobility, auto-recharging, localization, collision, cost, and user interface) is presented. In Section III, a quantitative and qualitative comparison of selected testbeds is shown in tabular form. Section IV concludes the paper, highlighting current trends and a few suggestions for future work in development of MWSNTs.
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