Variable Rate Liquid Nitrogen Application for Cotton and Corn Production
Variable rate technology was used in a cotton and corn rotation to apply a liquid nitrogen
solution (30% N) based on yield and soil maps to evaluate precision agricultural, variable rate production
versus conventional field averaged. A variable rate, liquid nitrogen applicator was designed and
assembled to apply a 30% liquid nitrogen solution at lay by based on the soil and yield variability in a 30+-
acre field. Both cotton nitrogen use efficiency for each soil series and maximum yield 25-foot grids, from
either year 1998 or 2000 yields, were utilized to generate a nitrogen application map. Nitrogen
application and yield data were used to compare the two production systems for three-tillage treatments
typically used in eastern North Carolina. Initial results for cotton nitrogen application in years 2000 and
2001 showed that approximately the same rates were applied on the average for both production
systems. For year 2000, the cotton yields for field averaged nitrogen application on the clean till subsoil
treatment were significantly higher than the variable rate application. There was no difference in nitrogen
treatments with the chisel/disk and strip till treatment.