항공사 여 승무원들의 직업존중감과 감정노동간의 비교 연구

This study mainly focused on the job esteem and emotional labor of female flight attendants, especially to compare the job esteem with emotional labor using AHP method. So this study was carried out to analyze differences of these variables based on female flight attendant’s demographics & personal situation. 93 questionnaires were collected for the empirical study on the female flight attendants of Kimhae International Airport in Busan metropolitan city, being extracted through convenience sampling. Data were analyzed by frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and AHP. As a result, job esteem of female flight attendants was decided as a more important variable(more than GEOMEAN=2.87). Air carrier type, regular or irregular employing, age, years of service, and major were associated with differences in job esteem and emotional labor of female flight attendants.