Vedic Krishi: Sustainable livelihood option for small and marginal farmers

The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of some of Vedic Krishi inputs, viz. Panchgavya, Vermiwash, Compost tea, Matka Khad, Beejamrit and Jiwamrit with the objectives to work out their applicability for ecofriendly nutrient and disease management in organic farming. Vedic Krishi techniques are low input costs, which comply well with the ecological and socioeconomic conditions of vast segment of farming community comprising of small and marginal farmers. The nutritional and microbial analysis of these liquid organic manures showed the presence of different macro and micro nutrients and large population of essential microbes including Azotobacter sp., Actinomycetes sp. and phosphate solubilizers. All the Vedic Krishi inputs were found quite effective in enhancing the productivity of different crops and suppressing the growth of various plant pathogens by producing antibacterial and anti-fungal compounds, hormones and siderophores. Application of Vermiwash gave 65, 10, 26 and 27 % higher yields in knol-khol (153.25 q/ha), onion (184.1 q/ha), French bean (14.5 q/ ha seed yield) and paddy (18.4 q/ha), respectively over control. Panchgavya was found the most effective in controlling (88.9 %) stalk rot of cauliflower. Beejamrit was found to be the most effective for seed treament as it recorded 92% seed germination of pea against 56% in control. Compost tea, Matka Khad and Jeevamrit as foliar sprays were also prooved quite effective in enhacing the productivity of different crops and effective against various plant pathogens. All Vedic Krishi practices hold good promise for use in organic agriculture.