Unimodular Integer Caratheodory is Fixed Parameter Tractable

The monoid problem, also called the integer Carath\'eodory problem, is to decide if a given integer vector is a finite nonnegative integer combination of a given set of integer vectors, and find such a decomposition if one exists. This problem arises, for instance, in the context of bin packing and in the context of three-way tables. It was very recently shown that for fixed dimension the problem can be solved in polynomial time which is doubly exponential in the dimension. Here we show that when the set of integer points is defined by a totally unimodular matrix, the problem in fixed dimension can be solved much faster, in quadratic time, and with the dimension as a parameter, the problem is fixed parameter tractable. As a consequence of this, we also conclude that the huge three-way table problem is fixed parameter tractable as well.

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