Metrology tools for EUV-source characterization and optimization

The development of suitable radiation sources for extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL) is a major challenge. For the optimization of these sources and for the determination of the parameters needed for the system design and the system integration these sources have to be characterized in terms of the absolute in-band power, the spectral distribution in the EUV spectral region and the out-of-band spectral regions, the spatial distribution of the emitting volume and the angular distribution of the emission. For improving the lifetime of such sources, generally accepted as one key risk with EUVL, another task, the debris emitted from sources under development has to be investigated. Therefore, JENOPTIK Mikrotechnik GmbH is co-operating with the Laser Laboratorium Göttingen, the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) and the AIXUV GmbH in developing ready-for-use metrology tools for EUVL source characterization and optimization. The set of the tools employed for EUV-source characterization is presented in detail as well as concepts for calibration and measurement procedures.