Film-induced tourism
The majority of films today are not produced with the intent to lure people to visit certain destinations. However, in a sense a destination in a film can be seen as a form of product placement that consumers are willing to spend money on to experience. People can, from their TV sofa or cinema chair, gaze upon places, people, stories and other depictions of attributes that a film consists of. When an attribute stands out it can be powerful enough to create a pulling power for the viewers to travel to the film location and see or experience it in reality. This phenomenon has been referred to as film-induced tourism and is still a relatively unexplored area containing many research gaps. This book attempts to fill some of those gaps and find connections between them in order to better understand the occurring processes within film-induced tourism. Destination images, travel motivation, authenticity and travel behaviour in a film tourism context are discussed and analysed. This book should be of interest for professionals in tourism, destination marketing, advertising and branding as well as governmental organs interested in ways to promote cities and countries.