Graph Grammars and Their Application to Computer Science

A note on hyperedge replacement.- Graph grammars based on node rewriting: an introduction to NLC graph grammars.- Tutorial introduction to the algebraic approach of graph grammars based on double and single pushouts.- The logical expression of graph properties.- Panel discussion: The use of graph grammars in applications.- GraphEd: An interactive tool for developing graph grammars.- Presentation of the IPSEN-Environment: An Integrated and Incremental Project Support ENviroment.- Presentation of the PROGRESS-Editor: A text-oriented hybrid editor for PROgrammed Graph REwriting SyStems.- PLEXUS: Tools for analyzing graph grammars.- An algebraic theory of graph reduction.- Programming with very large graphs.- Describing Gottler's operational graph grammars with pushouts.- General solution to a system of recursive equations on hypergraphs.- Construction of map OL-systems for developmental sequences of plant cell layers.- Layout graph grammars: The placement approach.- Cycle chain code picture languages.- An efficient implementation of graph grammars based on the RETE matching algorithm.- An application of graph grammars to the elimination of redundancy from functions defined by schemes.- Graphic equivalence and computer optimization.- Graph grammars and logic programming.- Graphs as relational structures : An algebraic and logical approach.- Context-free handle-rewriting hypergraph grammars.- From graph grammars to high level replacement systems.- Algebraic specification grammars: A junction between module specifications and graph grammars.- A characterization of context-free NCE graph languages by monadic second-order logic on trees.- The term generating power of context-free hypergraph grammars.- Elementary actions on an extended entity-relationship database.- Physically-based graphical interpretation of marker cellwork L-systems.- Dactl: An experimental graph rewriting language.- Use graph grammars to design CAD-systems !.- Collage grammars.- The four musicians: analogies and expert systems - a graphic approach.- Structured transformations and computation graphs for actor grammars.- Grammatical inference based on hyperedge replacement.- Specifying concurrent languages and systems with ?-grammars.- Graph rewriting in some categories of partial morphisms.- Application of graph grammars to rule-based systems.- Tree automata, tree decomposition and hyperedge replacement.- Recognizing rooted context-free flowgraph languages in polynomial time.- Computing with graph relabelling systems with priorities.- Double-wall cellwork systems for plant meristems.- Programmed derivations of relational structures.- A specification environment for graph grammars.- The theory of graphoids: A survey.- Graph-reducible term rewriting systems.- A note on graph decimation.- Progress: A VHL-language based on graph grammars.- Movement of objects in configuration spaces modelled by graph grammars.- Recognizing edge replacement graph languages in cubic time.- Computing by graph transformation: Overall aims and new results.