Computerized Training in Critical Thinking (CT)2: A Skill-Based Program for Army Personnel

Abstract : This report describes the development and assessment of Web-based training in critical thinking (CT) for Army personnel. The primary product of this research program was easily distributed and accessible training in CT. The development of the training was supported by preliminary research that reviewed the research literature in critical thinking, developed a model of critical thinking, identified high impact CTS for Army personnel, and developed a prototype training system for two critical thinking skills (Fischer, Spiker, & Riedel, 2008 a,b,c). This report documents the development and evaluation of an expanded version of the training which provides training for eight critical thinking skills. A user-centered design process, which included four formative evaluations, was used to ensure that the resulting training and assessment products were usable, useful, and well accepted by potential training populations. The effectiveness of the resulting training system was evaluated in two additional investigations. The results of both evaluations indicated that the training improved participants? skills on the two critical thinking skills that were evaluated.