Bibliography on Numerical Analysis

This list of books and articles in the field of numerical analysis is intended to supplement and bring up to date one published by the present writer as an appendix to his Principles of Numerical Analysis (McGraw-Hill, 1953; this will be designated PNA). In the two years since its preparation a number of omissions have been noted. More to the point, however, has been the rapid growth of interest in the subject and the concomitant proliferation of the literature. As a byproduct and aid to one person's endeavor to keep up with the field, the supplementary list has grown to a length comparable to that of the original.Admittedly it is incomplete, and doubtless always will be. Nevertheless, with the encouragement of some, it is offered for such help as it may provide to others who are trying to find their way about. The incompleteness is partly deliberate, in that the list is intended to cover only that area that was delimited in the preface to PNA. In general, the somewhat self-contradictory designation "algebraic numerical analysis" might describe the area in question. Thus, papers on functional equations (integral, differential, etc.) are included only when they seem to contribute to the algebraic phase of the subject. A few references on continued fractions are listed even though continued fractions were nowhere discussed in PNA. On the other hand, the noninclusion of papers on linear inequalities has no such rational justification. They have been left out quite simply because they have not been included. In general, while a few excisions have been made, the omission of a paper is by no means necessarily a reflection upon its quality, even when the author knows that an actual reprint is in my file. It may signify careless book-keeping. But, in particular, papers which appear in collections have not been listed separately. Hence a number of important papers are included implicitly but not explicitly, papers by Fan, Todd, Fox, Geiringer, and numerous others. There may appear to be a disproportionate number of papers dealing with matrix algebra, and this may well be so. The representation may or may not reflect accurately either the relative importance or the relative degree of activity in the field. Moreover, it may be entirely fortuitous that in the day-today work of one particular computing laboratory (here at ORNL) it has become necessary , over the past two or three years, to draw …

[1]  Arthur Sard Remainders as integrals of partial derivatives , 1952 .

[2]  A M Ostrowski On the spectrum of a one parametric family of matrices , 1952 .

[3]  H. Schneider THEOREMS ON NORMAL MATRICES , 1952 .

[4]  G. Forsythe A Numerical Analyst’s Fifteen-Foot Shelf , 1953 .

[5]  L. Richardson A purification method for computing the latent columns of numerical matrices and some integrals of differential equations , 1950, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.


[7]  E. T. Goodwin,et al.  A new method for the evaluation of zeros of Bessel functions and of other solutions of second-order differential equations , 1950, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[8]  W. G. Bickley,et al.  Formulae for Numerical Differentiation , 1941, The Mathematical Gazette.

[9]  Milton Abramowitz On the Practical Evaluation of Integrals , 1954 .

[10]  H. E. Goheen On a Lemma of Stieltjes on Matrices , 1949 .

[11]  Geometrical representations of bounds of eigenvalues , 1953 .

[12]  H. E. Salzer A new formula for inverse interpolation , 1944 .

[13]  R. Wilson Determinantal Criteria for Meromorphic Functions , 1954 .

[14]  K. D. Tocher The Application of Automatic Computers to Sampling Experiments , 1954 .

[15]  S. Gorn Maximal Convergence Intervals and a Gibbs Type Phenomenon for Newton's Approximation Procedure , 1954 .

[16]  Yudell L. Luke,et al.  On the computation of oscillatory integrals , 1954, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[17]  J. Hammersley,et al.  Poor Man's Monte Carlo , 1954 .

[18]  John Todd,et al.  Motivation for working in numerical analysis , 1954 .

[19]  Arthur Sard Approximation and variance , 1952 .

[20]  Alston S. Householder,et al.  Generation of errors in digital computation , 1954 .

[21]  J. F. Steffensen Remarks on iteration. , 1933 .

[22]  J. Wishart,et al.  ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIAL FITTING , 1953 .

[23]  T. Broadbent,et al.  The Convergence of Iterative Processes , 1947 .

[24]  E. H. Bateman The Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations by Iteration , 1953 .

[25]  W. A. Coppel The solution of equations by iteration , 1955 .

[26]  D. Young Iterative methods for solving partial difference equations of elliptic type , 1954 .

[27]  David M. Young,et al.  On Richardson's Method for Solving Linear Systems with Positive Definite Matrices , 1953 .

[28]  Use of continued fractions in high-speed computing , 1952, ACM National Meeting.

[29]  Heinz Rutishauser,et al.  Ein infinitesimales Analogon zum Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus , 1954 .

[30]  L. Richardson The Approximate Arithmetical Solution by Finite Differences of Physical Problems Involving Differential Equations, with an Application to the Stresses in a Masonry Dam , 1911 .

[31]  D. E. Rutherford,et al.  On the Theory of Relaxation , 1953, Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association.

[32]  R. Bellman Stability theory of differential equations , 1953 .

[33]  J. G. Hayes,et al.  CXXXIX. The fitting of polynomials to unequally-spaced data , 1951 .

[34]  U. Wegner Bemerkungen zur Matrizentheorie , 1953 .

[35]  XXIII.—Studies in Practical Mathematics. VII. On the Theory of Methods of Factorizing Polynomials by Iterated Division * , 1952 .

[36]  D. Shanks Non‐linear Transformations of Divergent and Slowly Convergent Sequences , 1955 .

[37]  Paul S. Dwyer,et al.  On Errors in Matrix Inversion , 1953 .

[38]  B. V. Bowden,et al.  Faster than thought , 1953 .

[39]  R. Ludwig Über Iterationsverfahren für Gleichungen und Gleichungssysteme. (Teil II) , 1954 .

[40]  H. E. Salzer New formulas for facilitating osculatory interpolation , 1954 .

[41]  J. Weissinger Über das Iterationsverfahren , 1951 .

[42]  Y. Wong An inequality for Minkowski matrices , 1953 .

[43]  A. Horn On the eigenvalues of a matrix with prescribed singular values , 1954 .

[44]  A. C. Aitken IV.—Studies in Practical Mathematics. V. On the Iterative Solution of a System of Linear Equations , 1950, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[45]  Susie E. Atta,et al.  Calculation of Generalized Hypergeometric Series , 1954, JACM.

[46]  H. Rutishauser Der Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus , 1954 .

[47]  R. Mises Numerische Berechnung mehrdimensionaler Integrale , 1954 .

[48]  Ein Oszillationssatz für algebraische Eigenwertprobleme , 1954 .

[49]  J. Schröder,et al.  Zur Lösung von Potentialaufgaben mit Hilfe des Differenzenverfahrens , 1953 .

[50]  D. H. Lehmer The sieve problem for all-purpose computers , 1953 .

[51]  Johannes Weissinger,et al.  Zur Theorie und Anwendung des Iterationsverfahrens , 1952 .

[52]  F. J. Murray,et al.  The use of exponential sums in step by step integration , 1952 .

[53]  K. Bachmann Der Konvergenzgrad bei iterativer Lösung von Gleichungen durch inverse Interpolation , 1954 .

[54]  H. Weyl Inequalities between the Two Kinds of Eigenvalues of a Linear Transformation. , 1949, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[55]  On modified divided differences. II , 1954 .

[56]  On the inversion of continuant matrices , 1953 .

[57]  A. Ostrowski,et al.  Bounds for the Greatest Latent Root of a Positive Matrix , 1952 .

[58]  Heinz Rutishauser,et al.  Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Biorthogonalisierungs-Algorithmus von Lanczos , 1953 .

[59]  U. Wegner Bemerkungen zu den Iterationsverfahren für lineare Gleichungsysteme , 1951 .

[60]  Philip J. Davis,et al.  Errors of Numerical Approximation for Analytic Functions , 1953 .

[61]  W. Karush An iterative method for finding characteristic vectors of a symmetric matrix , 1951 .

[62]  A. Young,et al.  Approximate product-integration , 1954, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[63]  A neglected method for resolution of polynomial equations , 1954 .

[64]  H. Wielandt Einschließung yon Eigenwerten normaler Matrizen , 1948 .

[65]  P. Morse,et al.  Methods of theoretical physics , 1955 .

[66]  J. H. Curtiss A generalization of the method of conjugate gradients for solving systems of linear algebraic equations , 1954 .

[67]  Heinz Unger Zur Praxis der Biorthonormierung von Eigen‐ und Hauptvektoren , 1953 .

[68]  C. W. Clenshaw Polynomial approximations to elementary functions , 1954 .

[69]  E. J. Craig,et al.  Iteration procedures for simultaneous equations , 1954 .

[70]  高橋 秀俊 (1) A. D. Booth & K. H. Booth: Automatic Digital Calculators, Butterworth Sci. Publ. (London), 1953, 231頁 (32s). / (2) B. V. Bowden 編: Faster than Thought (A Symposium on Digital Computing Machines) Pitman & Sons Ltd. (London), 1953, 416頁. , 1954 .

[71]  R. Courant,et al.  Methods of Mathematical Physics , 1962 .

[72]  Bradford P. Kimball A Multiple Group Least Squares’ Problem and the Significance of the Associated Orthogonal Polynomials , 1953 .

[73]  E. Straus,et al.  On the approximation of a function of several variables by the sum of functions of fewer variables. , 1951 .

[74]  Bradford F. Kimball Note on Computation of Orthogonal Predictors , 1953 .

[75]  Harry H. Harman,et al.  The square root method and multiple group methods of factor analysis , 1954 .

[76]  F. Olver The evaluation of zeros of high-degree polynomials , 1952, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[77]  P. Guest The Estimation of Standard Error from Successive Finite Differences , 1951 .

[78]  H. Wielandt Unzerlegbare, nicht negative Matrizen , 1950 .

[79]  E. Kreyszig Die Einschließung von Eigenwerten hermitescher Matrizen beim Iterationsverfahren , 1954 .

[80]  Ugo Cassina Sulla risoluzione numerica delle equazioni e dei sistemi di equazioni algebriche o trascendenti , 1942 .

[81]  H. W. Turnbull A Matrix Form of Taylor's Theorem , 1930 .

[82]  A. R. Mitchell Round-off errors in the solution of the heat conduction equation by relaxation methods , 1953 .

[83]  A. Horn,et al.  On the singular values of a product of completely continuous operators. , 1950, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[84]  J. B. Rosser,et al.  A method of computing exact inverses of matrices with integer coefficients , 1952 .

[85]  I. Kiss,et al.  Über eine Verallgemeinerung des Newtonschen Näherungsverfahrens , 1954 .

[86]  G. Shortley Use of Tschebyscheff‐Polynomial Operators in the Numerical Solution of Boundary‐Value Problems , 1953 .

[87]  Les méthodes de Monte-Carlo en physique nucléaire , 1952 .

[88]  The use of large intervals in finite-difference equations , 1953 .

[89]  J. Hammersley,et al.  Transposed Branching Processes , 1954 .

[90]  O. Taussky Bounds for characteristic roots of matrices , 1948 .

[91]  Albert H. Bowker On the Norm of a Matrix , 1947 .

[92]  S. Lubkin,et al.  A method of summing infinite series , 1952 .

[93]  Preston R. Clement The Chebyshev approximation method , 1953 .

[94]  C. Lanczos Solution of Systems of Linear Equations by Minimized Iterations1 , 1952 .

[95]  H. Schneider,et al.  An Inequality for Latent Roots Applied To Determinants with Dominant Principal Diagonal , 1953 .

[96]  A. Brauer Limits for the characteristic roots of a matrix. III , 1946 .

[97]  M. V. Wilkes,et al.  The solution of algebraic equations on the EDSAC , 1952, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[98]  Walter W. Soroka,et al.  Analog methods in computation and simulation , 1954 .

[99]  A. Rényi,et al.  On the zeros of polynomials , 1952 .

[100]  Charles de La Vallee Poussin,et al.  Sur la méthode de l'approximation minimum , 1911 .

[101]  Alexander Ostrowski,et al.  Ueber das Nichtverschwinden einer Klasse von Determinanten und die Lokalisierung der charakteristischen Wurzeln von Matrizen , 1951 .

[102]  Richard S. Varga,et al.  Eigenvalues of circulant matrices. , 1954 .

[103]  A. C. Aitken XII.—Further Numerical Studies in Algebraic Equations and Matrices , 1932 .

[104]  Gabriel Kron,et al.  A Set of Principles to Interconnect the Solutions of Physical Systems , 1953 .

[105]  G. Szegő,et al.  On the Eigen-Values of Certain Hermitian Forms , 1953 .

[106]  Saul Gorn The Automatic Analysis and Control of Computing Errors , 1954 .

[107]  G. W. Tyler Numerical Integration of Functions of Several Variables , 1953, Canadian Journal of Mathematics.

[108]  H. E. Salzer Inverse Interpolation for Eight-, Nine-, Ten-, and Eleven-Point Direct Interpolation , 1945 .

[109]  Edward Saibel,et al.  On finding the characteristic equation of a square matrix , 1953 .

[110]  A. R. Mitchell,et al.  Stability of difference relations in the solution of ordinary differential equations , 1953 .

[111]  Zur Interpolation von tabellierten Funktionen durch Exponentialsummen und zur Berechnung von Eigenwerten aus den Schwarzschen Konstanten , 1953 .

[112]  A. N. Lowan,et al.  On the Distribution of Errors in $N^{th}$ Tabular Differences , 1939 .

[113]  H. W. Turnbull Matrix Differentiation of the Characteristic Function , 1931 .

[114]  Robert E. Greenwood,et al.  Zeros of the Hermite polynomials and weights for Gauss' mechanical quadrature formula , 1948 .

[115]  Philip Rabinowitz,et al.  A Multiple Purpose Orthonormalizing Code and its Uses , 1954, JACM.

[116]  A. Hoffman,et al.  The variation of the spectrum of a normal matrix , 1953 .

[117]  W. G. Bickley Formulae for Numerical Integration , 1939, Mathematical Gazette.

[118]  Johannes Weissinger,et al.  Verallgemeinerungen des Seidelschen Iterationsverfahrens. Herrn R. v. Mises zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet , 1953 .

[119]  The reversion of a power series , 1930 .

[120]  L. Collatz Fehlerabschätzung für das Iterationsverfahren zur Auflösung linearer Gleichungssysteme . , 1942 .

[121]  R. T. Gregory Computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric matrix on the ILLIAC , 1953 .


[123]  Bemerkung zur Norm der Inversen einer Matrix , 1954 .

[124]  G. G. Stokes "J." , 1890, The New Yale Book of Quotations.


[126]  R. Oldenburger,et al.  Infinite powers of matrices and characteristic roots , 1940 .

[127]  K. Fan On a Theorem of Weyl Concerning Eigenvalues of Linear Transformations: II. , 1949, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[128]  XIII.—Studies in Practical Mathematics. VI. On the Factorization of Polynomials by Iterative Methods , 1951 .

[129]  C. E. Wolff Note on Numerical Integration , 1928 .

[130]  H. W. Turnbull On Differentiating a Matrix , 1928 .


[132]  P. Stein,et al.  On the Solution of Linear Simultaneous Equations By Iteration , 1948 .


[134]  P. Davis,et al.  On the estimation of quadrature errors for analytic functions , 1954 .

[135]  J. Rosser Note on zeros of the Hermite polynomials and weights for Gauss’ mechanical quadrature formula , 1950 .

[136]  L. Collatz Einige Anwendungen funktionalanalytischer Methoden in der praktischen Analysis , 1953 .

[137]  J. H. Wilkinson The calculation of the latent roots and vectors of matrices on the pilot model of the A.C.E. , 1954, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.

[138]  W. Barrett On the Remainder Term in Numerical Integration Formulae , 1952 .

[139]  Inequalities concerning determinants and systems of linear equations , 1952 .

[140]  W. Givens Numerical Computation of the Characteristic Values of a Real Symmetric Matrix , 1954 .

[141]  H. W. Turnbull Note on Partial Fractions and Determinants , 1927 .

[142]  M. Hestenes,et al.  Methods of conjugate gradients for solving linear systems , 1952 .