A Case Study Of Dietary Deficiency On Peripheral Nerve Functions In Chronic Alcoholic Patient

Alcoholic neuropathy is most likely result of dietary deficiency rather than direct neurotoxic effect of alcohol. A male alcoholic patient, aged 34- years old with clear clinical sign of peripheral neuropathy was examined after his habit of six years chronic alcoholic drinking. Conduction velocities, latencies and nerve action potential amplitudes was measured from median, radial, common peroneal and sural nerves on respective upper and lower limb and the results showed that there was decrease in conduction velocity of common peroneal, and posterior tibial in lower limbs. However, sensory nerve conduction (SNCV) of sural nerve (right and left) was normal in lower limb. Based on the results observed in our study, we conclude that the combination of vitamin B12, uridine, and cytidine can be safe and effective in the treatment of patients presenting alcoholic polyneuropathy. So the prognosis of alcoholic peripheral neuropathy is good and independent of age provided that intake of alcohol is withdrawn completely. Keyword: Alcoholic, Neuropathy, Vitamin-B12, Nutrient. ————————————————————