On Exploiting End-User Feedback in Requirements Engineering

Requirements elicitation is a relevant research area in Requirements Engineering(RE) since elicitation is a key task that must be performed in any project [12].Elicitation usually involves different types of stakeholders (e.g. analysts, man-agers, users, etc.) who provide information that may turn into requirements.Over time, several elicitation techniques have been proposed to gather require-ments. But how and when end-users express their expectations about a softwareis an issue that has been mainly explored within the user experience researchcommunity [7], and it is only recently that RE is looking at it [22]. User feedbackis recognised as a source for changes in a system [6] (i.e. changes in requirements,new ones, etc.).We define end-user feedback as meaningful information provided by end-usersof widely used software applications with the purpose of suggesting improvementsto such applications (i.e. new needs, modifications, or strategic behaviours).End-user feedback in discussion forums seems to be helpful for developers in evolvingapplications. Specifically, the continuous management of fansites (e.g. blogs, dis-cussion forums, etc.) of an online game (i.e. Habbo Hotel

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