Alcance y límites de un currículo basado en competencias The Scope and Limitations of a Competency-based Curriculum Alcance e limites de um currículo baseado em compências

This is the second part of a report on a study entitled “Competency-based Curriculum: An Experience in University Education,” published in Volume 9, No 2-Year 2006. The objective of the study was to assess curricular reform at the Universidad de La Sabana School of Communication by analyzing different variables in the area of public communication. In terms of design, it is an evaluation study based on a dominant model approach that is largely qualitative and descriptive. This part of the report offers an analysis of the results and presents the conclusions and recommendations. The analysis is based on the answers given by each of the sectors consulted, when asked about the variables included in the study. A documentary analysis was done as well, using a system of matrices. The information was compared by means of a triple-entry table that makes it possible to display the results from each source. The results were interpreted, the conclusions drawn and the recommendations made in light of the theoretical framework on which the study is based.