On Elementary Proofs of the Prime Number Theorem for Arithmetic Progressions, without Characters

We consider what one can prove about the distribution of prime numbers in arithmetic progressions, using only Selberg's formula. In particular, for any given positive integer q, we prove that either the Prime Number Theorem for arithmetic progressions, modulo q, does hold, or that there exists a subgroup H of the reduced residue system, modulo q, which contains the squares, such that (x; q; a) 2x==(q) for each a 6 2 H and (x; q; a) = o(x==(q)), otherwise. From here, we deduce that if the second case holds at all, then it holds only for the multiples of some xed integer q 0 > 1. Actually, even if the Prime Number Theorem for arithmetic progressions, modulo q, does hold, these methods allow us to deduce the behaviour of a possiblèSiegel zero' from Selberg's formula. We also propose a new method for determining explicit upper and lower bounds on (x; q; a), which uses only elementary number theoretic computations.