Evaluation of a Spatial Data Management System for Basic Skills Education

Abstract : As part of the Army's continuing effort to deal with the basic skill deficits of some soldiers, the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO) has been evaluation the Spatial Data Management System (SDMS) as a tool for basic skills education. The SDMS is a computer-based videodisc system with an easy-to-use information location and accession software package. A key focus of HumRRO's effort has been to identify the special design requirements for creating interactive videodisc educational materials. Certain elements were found to be essential in developing successful interactive videodisc educational materials. These include the need to focus on the highly motivational characteristics of video and the need to devote much attention to the content and sequence of feedbacks to student responses. Also important is the need for a well-organized design process to account for the highly integrated nature of all aspects of the process--design, scripting, production, post-production and programming. This report is a case study of the project's first phase, with emphasis on the instructional design issues involved. Keywords: Instructional delivery systems.