Cultivar evaluation and mega-environment identification are among the most important objectives of multi-environment trials (MET). Although the measured yield is a combined result of effects of genotype (G), environment (E), and genotype × environment interaction (GE), only G and GE are relevant to cultivar evaluation and mega-environment identification. This paper presents a GGE (i.e., G + GE) biplot, which is constructed by the first two symmetrically scaled principal components (PC1 and PC2) derived from singular value decomposition of environment-centered MET data. The GGE biplot graphically displays G plus GE of a MET in a way that facilitates visual cultivar evaluation and mega-environment identification. When applied to yield data of the 1989 through 1998 Ontario winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) performance trials, the GGE biplots clearly identified yearly winning genotypes and their winning niches. Collective analysis of the yearly biplots suggests two winter wheat mega-environments in Ontario: a minor mega-environment (eastern Ontario) and a major one (southern and western Ontario), the latter being traditionally divided into three subareas. There were frequent crossover GE interactions within the major mega-environment but the location groupings were variable across years. It therefore could not be further divided into meaningful subareas. It was revealed that in most years PC1 represents a proportional cultivar response across locations, which leads to noncrossover GE interactions, while PC2 represents a disproportional cultivar response across locations, which is responsible for any crossover GE interactions. Consequently, genotypes with large PC1 scores tend to give higher average yield, and locations with large PC1 scores and near-zero PC2 scores facilitates identification of such genotypes
H. Gauch.
Model selection and validation for yield trials with interaction
K. Gabriel,et al.
The biplot graphic display of matrices with application to principal component analysis
Hugh G. Gauch,et al.
Identifying mega-environments and targeting genotypes
P. Cornelius.
Statistical Tests and Retention of Terms in the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Model for Cultivar Trials
Hugh G. Gauch,et al.
Statistical Analysis of a Yield Trial
R. Kempton.
The use of biplots in interpreting variety by environment interactions
The Journal of Agricultural Science.
P. Cornelius,et al.
M. Ginkel,et al.
CIMMYT's approach to breeding for wide adaptation
Bronwyn Harch,et al.
Wheat breeding nurseries, target environments, and indirect selection for grain yield
P. Cornelius,et al.
Sites regression and shifted multiplicative model clustering of cultivar trial sites under heterogeneity of error variances