Intelligens gyártórendszer irányítás = Intelligent manufacturing planning and control
A temakorben a palyazat tamogatasi evei alatt, ugy iteljuk, hogy sikerult atutő eredmenyeket elerni. Jelentős eredmenynek tartjuk, a korabbi kutatasokra epulő uj modszerek publikalasat a "MECHATRONICS" (Nagy-Britannia) es a "Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing" (USA) folyoiratokban. Kulonosen jelentősnek tartjuk a Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing folyoiratban a legutobbi időben megjelent dolgozatot, amely a gyartasutemezes teljesen uj tavlatait tarja fel (J. Somlo, A.V. Savkin, "Periodic and Transient Switching Server Schedules for FMS" Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 22 (2006) 93-112). A cikk a hibrid dinamikus (kapcsolt szerver) utemezes teljesen uj aspektusait tarja fel. Bemutatja, hogy a gyartasi kovetelmeny rata javasolt meghatarozasa adott parameterű periodikus folyamatokhoz vezet, amelyek kivaloan alkalmasak a gyakorlati alkalmazasra. A modszer alkalmazasa (talan egy kicsit eltulozva, de nem alapok nelkul) forradalmi valtozast eredmenyezhet a gepipari gyartasutemezesben. Rugalmas rendszerekben az erre alapozott iranyitasok automatikus utemezeshez vezethetnek. Ez a korabbiakhoz kepest jobb minősegű folyamatokat eredmenyez a szervezesi munkak drasztikus csokkenese mellett. Mivel az erintett teruleteken realizalt ertekteremtes a vilagon csak sok szazmilliardos (EURO, vagy USD) nagysagrendekkel jellemezhető, nehez tulertekelni a problemak megoldasanak fontossagat. | During the years of the project, significant results were obtained. We consider for those the results published in world leading journals MECHATRONICS and Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. We think that the results of basic science character in such a way become available in wide sphere. It seems to us that the results in the near future become widely applicable in practice. The basic results were published in journal Periodica Polytechnika (BME) in 2001. This was followed by 3 articles in the above journals. We consider as most significant the article which just appeared in Robotics and CIM (J. Somlo, A.V. Savkin, Periodic and transient switched server scheduling for FMS, Robotics and CIM 22 (2006), 93-112) which opens entirely new horizons for flexible systems scheduling. It has been shown that the proposed method of determination of the demand rates leads to periodic processes with given characteristics. These are extremely suitable for practical process planning and control. The scheduling becomes automatic. Automatic lot streaming and overlapping production is realized. The results are better quality processes with less organization efforts. Because the economical reach of scheduling in the world may only be characterized by many hundreds billions (EURO or USD) it is difficult to overestimate the possible benefits.