IntroductionWhen studying characteristics and researching efficiency of attitude of judoists with different qualification to sports activity, we have supposed that influence of personal features of pupils and students from judo sports clubs on efficiency of their attitude to specific physical activities is interrelated with attitude to competitive and work-out activity. According to a researcher of motivation Il'in E.P. (Il'in 2002), efficiency of sportsman's competitive activity can facilitate or weaken sports motivation. To prove this supposition we have studied attitude of judoists with different qualification to sports activities. The following characteristics of their attitude to sports activities have been revealed: commitment of sportsmen to satisfaction of particular needs, according to Piloian R.A. (Piloian 1984) as modified by Babushkin G.D. (Babushkin, 2007); commitment of sports activity to obtaining success and avoiding failure; orientation of attitude to work-out and competitive activity; interest to sports (judo), attitude to a coming competition, according to Khanin Iu.L. (Khanin, 1980); aiming for achievement of high results (Babushkin, 2005); a need for self-improvement according to Babushkin G.D. method (Babushkin, 2005); emotional state according to Kiselev Yu.Ya. method called "Gradusnik" (Marishchuk, 2005), characterizing attitude to a work-out process and competitions.A perspective direction in optimization of judo training is improvement of a level of the most important psycho-physiological qualities of sportsmen (Kozina, & Iermakov, 2015; Podrigalo, Iermakov, Galashko, Galashko, & Dzhym, 2015; Podrigalo, Iermakov, Nosko, Galashko, & Galashko, 2015; Podrigalo, Iermakov, Alekseev, & Rovnaya, 2016). Every direction implies application of particular means and methods used in pedagogical purposes (Iermakov, Cieslicka, & Muszkieta, 2015; Kuzmin, Kopylov, Kudryavtsev, Galimov, & Iermakov, 2015; Gaskov, Kuzmin, Kudryavtsev, & Iermakov, 2016). Optimization of loads (Khudolii, Iermakov, & Ananchenko, 2015; Khudolii, Iermakov, & Prusik, 2015; Kopylov et al., 2015; Iermakov, Arziutov, & Jagiello, 2016), evaluation of children' motor development (Ivashchenko et al., 2015; Ivashchenko, Yermakova, Cieslicka, & Zukowska, 2015; Ivashchenko, Yermakova, Cieslicka, & Muszkieta, 2015) and selection of methods of pedagogical control proper to an age (Zaporozhanov, & Borachinski, 2012; Prusik, Prusik, Kozina, & Iermakov, 2013; Zaporozhanov, Borachinski, & Nosko, 2015) can be a good supplement in this case. The following researches can be singled out among other directions: training of psychic functions (Klymenko, 2010); influence of psychological stability on increase of a level of sports indicators and efficiency of competitive activity (Artemenko, 2009; Muntian, 2010; Lochbaum et al., 2016); optimal states determining a high level of reliability of sportsman's body system functioning (Rovnaya, Podrigalo, Iermakov, Prusik, & Cieslicka, 2014; Podrigalo, Galashko, & Galashko, 2015); measures of self-rating and a level of children' (Ivashchenko, &, Yermakova, 2015; Yermakova, 2015; Krutsevich, & Marchenko, 2015) and sportsmen' (Jagiello, & Jagiello, 2015) physical development; building models enabling revealing of individual sportsmen' characteristics (Kozina, Jagiello, & Jagiello, 2015); degree of children' sports assurance (Lochbaum, Okafor, Brenner, & Cetinkalp, 2015); influence of interpersonal relations in a sports team on improvement and preservation of attitude to sports activities (Gonchar, 2012; Emshanova, 2013); influence of sportsman's self-rating on goal setting and participation in competitions (Vysochina, 2010; RomanowskaTolloczko, & Piwowarczyk, 2015); cooperation of a coach and a sportsman (Chopyk, 2013); influence of positive emotions on a course of activity conducted by a person (Il'in, 2002; Malakhov, Puhach, Serebrjakov, Bakanova, & Druz, 2014; Kozina, 2015); problems of individualization of training (Ivashchenko, & Yermakova, 2015; Zhanneta et al. …