Toenemende convergentie van de Nederlandse en Duitse goederenhandel (Increasing Convergence in the Trade of Goods between the Netherlands and Germany)
Duitsland is gespecialiseerd in de productie van hoogwaardige machines, apparaten en auto’s; Nederland in landbouwproducten, fossiele brandstoffen en halffabricaten. Dat traditionele beeld is aan bijstelling toe. De laatste decennia is het verschil in ‘productiepakket’ kleiner geworden. Dit roept vragen op over de geldigheid van gangbare handelstheorieen. De theorie van economische complexiteit kan deze ontwikkeling beter verklaren.Germany has specialized in the manufacturing of high quality machines, equipment, and cars, while the Netherlands produces agricultural products, fossil fuels, and semi-finished products. This the received view, that needs updating. In recent years the difference in 'product baskets' has become smaller, which calls the applicability of established trade theories into question. A promising new explanation is offered by the theory of economic complexity.