Development of a solid/liquid extraction method for analysis of toxic drugs in serum using an automated liquid chromatograph: the Remedi.
The aim of this work was to develop a procedure for analysis of drugs in serum using a chromatographic apparatus marketed by the Bio-Rad company. This automated apparatus, the Remedi, can identify nearly 200 substances and metabolites in biological fluids. The method for pretreatment of serum recommended by the manufacturer is inefficient. We thus decided to develop and validate an extraction method for analysis of serum. Our method extends column life and improves the sensitivity of the Remedi for the detection of drugs. For psychotropic drugs, a study was carried out that enables a semi-quantitative evaluation of blood levels to be made. In addition, the sera of patients admitted to hospital for intentional drug overdosage were studied to compare the results obtained using the Remedi and Emit techniques, and also to compare these results with toxicological data obtained by questioning the patient and his immediate circle.