Nowadays computerization is the most popular, reliable and flexible design for various types of control and communication systems. Sound navigation
and ranging (SONAR) is a modern ultrasonic range finding technique used for collecting the information of a distant object without any physical contact.
In this paper, a personal computer (PC) based active SONAR system is presented. The developed SONAR system contains both transmitter and receiver
parts in the same module. A pair of 40 kHz piezoelectric ultrasonic transducers is used to transmit ultrasound toward the object and receive the reflected
from the object respectively. A driver-software named CURF (Computerized Ultrasonic Range Finder) is developed for this system, using Turbo C
language aimed at IBM PC and its clone machines. The CURF software provides necessary support for interfacing the developed hardware as well as
desired calculations. A number of tests have been done and it is found that the performances of the developed system are good in terms of accuracy,
simplicity, cost and power consumption.
H. R. Camenzind.
Redesigning the old 555 [timer circuit]
Ming-Shing Young,et al.
A high precision ultrasonic system for vibration measurements
T. Kacprzak,et al.
Analysis of oscillatory metastable operation of an RS flip-flop
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits.
Jan Louise Axelson.
Parallel Port Complete: Programming, Interfacing, & Using the PC's Parallel Printer Port
A. Carullo,et al.
An ultrasonic sensor for distance measurement in automotive applications
IEEE Sensors Journal.
Peter H. Anderson.
Use of a PC Printer Port for Control and Data Acquisition
Prithwiraj Purkait,et al.
A low-cost PC-based virtual oscilloscope
IEEE Transactions on Education.
A. Ayala,et al.
A Low-Cost Interface Circuit to Enable A/D Conversion Using the Parallel Port