High power millimeter wave helix TWT programs at L-3 ETI

Latest production performance of L-3 ETI's millimeter wave helix TWTs is reported. L-3 ETI has delivered more than 830 units. The latest high power helix TWT, the 8926HA/B (500W Ka-band), demonstrates 98% test yield during the latter half of the current production. The 8921HP-2, 275 W Ka-band helix TWT demonstrated greater than 770 kHrs of field MTBF which is more than an order of magnitude higher than the predicted MTBF calculated from MIL-STD-HDBK-217G Notice 2. L-3 ETI development programs for K/Ka-band wideband helix TWTs and E-band helix TWTs for high-data-rate communications leveraging on the well established Kaand Q-band production helix TWTs are discussed.