The Inscriptions of Athena Nike

THROUGH Mr. Pogorelski's kindness in showing me the manuscript and photographs for the foregoing article, I have been enabled to clarify some ideas suggested by the previous publication of the new inscription of 1921 by Professor Hiller von Gaertringen.1 For the architectonic character of the stone, a feature not hitherto sufficiently considered, seems to be of importance in the solution of the problem. The present maximum width of the stone is 0.38 m.; 2 but since the restoration of Face A gives thirty-seven letters to the line, the axis of the nineteenth letter, 0.275 m. from the finished left edge of the stone, must lie at the centre of the stele, thus giving the original width as 0.55 m. Conversely, the centre of the stele, which must lie 0.275 m. from the finished right edge of Face B, coincides with the axis of the central preserved A in the last line; if, therefore, we restore twenty letters to the right, as suggested by Professor Hiller von Gaertringen, there would be forty-one letters in each line. But with forty-one letters, the outermost letters would reach exactly to the edges of the stele, an impossible state of affairs; there must have been, as on Face A, a margin of the width of one letter at each edge, thus reducing the number of letters to thirty-nine; and it happens that a reading suggested by Professor von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, KEcdXaLO~ dcakocdroV rav