Developing Model Student Information Systems: Promising Practices.

This paper describes promising practices in developing model student information systems, with a focus on information management and administrative record keeping. Three school districts with exemplary information systems are profiled, using data derived from document analysis, on-site observation, and interviews with district and site-level staff. The three sites profiled are: Anaheim Union High School District, California; San Diego Unified School District, California; and Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland. Each profile describes the district's general information system, impetus and support for the system, how its technology is organized, types of data collected and used, problems and benefits of the system, and staff training. Strategies shared by the districts include: (1) obtaining stakeholder participation; (2) procuring top administrative and funding support; and (3) developing a data dictionary and common standards. Promising practices involve the use of interdistrict collaboration, site-based technical support staff, a monitoring system, and a long-term technology oversight committee. A finding is that, overall. school site administrators do not use student information data for decision making. Appendices contain information on the three districts' data systems. (LMI) ***************************************************Y.******************* Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** Southwest Regional Laboratory 4665 Lampson Ave., Los Alamitos, CA 90720