SpEED-IoT: Spectrum aware energy efficient routing for device-to-device IoT communication

Abstract In order to meet the growing demands for high-throughput, cost-effective, and energy efficient solution for the emerging device-to-device (D2D) based Internet of Things (IoT) communication, Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) and sharing based protocols have been proposed. However, due to the temporal and spatial transience of spectrum utilization by licensed incumbents, optimal spectrum resource management becomes critical for: (a) effective D2D communication without disrupting the licensed incumbents, and (b) sustained operation in a multi-hop mesh environment due to the inherent energy constraint of IoT devices. In this paper, we propose SpEED-IoT: Sp ectrum aware E nergy- E fficient multi-hop multi-channel routing scheme for D 2D communication in IoT mesh network. We assume the knowledge of a radio environment map (REM) obtained through dedicated spectrum sensors that capture the spatio-temporal spectrum usage. We exploit such REMs to propose a multi-hop routing scheme that finds the: (a) best route, (b) best available channels at each hop along the route, and (c) optimal transmission power for each hop. SpEED-IoT also employs an evolutionary game theoretic route allocation model to sustain parallel D2D communication. SpEED-IoT ensures: (i) licensed incumbent protection, (ii) IoT device energy preservation, (iii) effective end-to-end data rate optimization, and (iv) fast convergence and fair route assignment among interfering D2D communications. Through simulation-driven GENI-based IoT testbed, we evaluate SpEED-IoT’s performance in terms of: (a) ensuring connectivity and reachability among the IoT devices under varying spectrum usage conditions, (b) data rate optimization of the assigned routes and the overall IoT network, (c) effectiveness in licensed incumbent protection, and (d) degree of fairness while assigning routes to multiple interfering devices.

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