Application of Kroki Mockup Tool to Implementation of Executable CERIF Specification

The paper presents application of Kroki tool to creation of executable specification of CERIF standard. Kroki (fr. croquis sketch) is an open-source tool that is being developed in order to foster development agility and better communication among team members with different specialties. It can be used for creating of specification of data-driven applications using two different notations (UML based and mockup based) and for generating application over the specification. This paper presents usage of Kroki tool for visualization and further development of CERIF data model, as well as using of Kroki for generating a prototype of CRIS system over CERIF data model. CERIF 1.5 specification was taken from euroCRIS web site and entered into Kroki tool. More than 280 CERIF classes are divided into 31 packages, in order to make CERIF model easier to read and comprehend. Thanks to its mockup and lightweight UML editor, Kroki enables each user, with or without background in information technologies, to understand and change CERIF specification.