Application of Improved Singular Spectrum Decomposition Method for Composite Fault Diagnosis of Gear Boxes

Aiming at the problem that the composite fault signal of the gearbox is weak and the fault characteristics are difficult to extract under strong noise environment, an improved singular spectrum decomposition (ISSD) method is proposed to extract the composite fault characteristics of the gearbox. Singular spectrum decomposition (SSD) has been proved to have higher decomposition accuracy and can better suppress modal mixing and pseudo component. However, noise has a great influence on it, and it is difficult to extract weak impact components. In order to improve the limitations of SSD, we chose the minimum entropy deconvolution adjustment (MEDA) as the pre-filter of the SSD to preprocess the signal. The main function of the minimum entropy deconvolution adjustment is to reduce noise and enhance the impact component, which can make up for the limitations of SSD. However, the ability of MEDA to reduce noise and enhance the impact signal is greatly affected by its parameter, the filter length. Therefore, to improve the shortcomings of MEDA, a parameter adaptive method based on Cuckoo Search (CS) is proposed. First, construct the objective function as the adaptive function of CS to optimize the MEDA algorithm. Then, the pre-processed signal is decomposed into singular spectral components (SSC) by SSD, and the meaningful components are selected by Correlation coefficient. For the existing modal mixing phenomenon, the SSC component is reconstructed to eliminate the misjudgment of the result. Then, the frequency spectrum analysis is performed to obtain the frequency information for fault diagnosis. Finally, the effectiveness and superiority of ISSD are validated by simulation signals and applying to compound faults of a Gear box test rig.

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