동아시아 동물재주부리기의 역사적 전개와 유형분류

The purpose of the study was to make a close inquiry into history and Typology of East Asia animal acrobatics and to examine its characteristics. The study examined the history of East Asia animal acrobatics. The root of animal acrobatics goes back to farming activities of the primitive mankind. To make public performance through animals possible, humans’ method to train animals should be assumed in advance and experience of farming activities should be assumed in advance to acquire such a method to train animals. On the basis of basic contents, the study could generalize the history of East Asia animal acrobatics by making the most of historic data and printed pictures. Conclusively, the study examined the performance process of animal acrobatics according to a frame of each type set and classified by the author. The study made five kinds of classification frames and examined the performance process on the basis of four kinds suitable to characteristics of animal acrobatics. The study classified the performance to four kind such as ‘a method competing among animals’, ‘a method which an animal performs diverse skills by obeying other people’, ‘a method which an animal imitates a human or other animals’ and ‘a method which an animal helps a human’. The study classified them into seven sub kinds. Through the above, the study could see that a fixed animal group was formed by each performance and that training difficulty was also classified according to relations with humans.