Quality of experience in digital mobile multimedia services

People like to consume multimedia content on mobile devices. Mobile networks can deliver mobile TV services but they require large infrastructural investments and their operators need to make trade-offs to design worthwhile experiences. The approximation of how users experience networked services has shifted from the inadequate packet level Quality of Service (QoS) to the user perceived Quality of Experience (QoE) that includes content, user context and their expectations. However, QoE is lacking concrete operationalizations for the visual experience of content on small, sub-TV resolution screens displaying transcoded TV content at low bitrates. The contribution of my thesis includes both substantive and methodological results on which factors contribute to the QoE in mobile multimedia services and how. I utilised a mix of methods in both lab and field settings to assess the visual experience of multimedia content on mobile devices. This included qualitative elicitation techniques such as 14 focus groups and 75 hours of debrief interviews in six experimental studies. 343 participants watched 140 hours of realistic TV content and provided feedback through quantitative measures such as acceptability, preferences and eye-tracking. My substantive findings on the effects of size, resolution, text quality and shot types can improve multimedia models. My substantive findings show that people want to watch mobile TV at a relative size (at least 4cm of screen height) similar to living room TV setups. In order to achieve these sizes at 35cm viewing distance users require at least QCIF resolution and are willing to scale it to a much lower angular resolution (12ppd) then what video quality research has found to be the best visual quality (35ppd). My methodological findings suggest that future multimedia QoE research should use a mixed methods approach including qualitative feedback and viewing ratios akin to living room setups to meet QoE’s ambitious scope.

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