Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers

I. RELATIVITY. 1. The Space and Time of Relativity. 2. Relativistic Mechanics. II. QUANTUM MECHANICS. 3. Atoms. 4. Quantization of Light. 5. Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels. 6. Matter Waves. 7. The Schrodinger Equation in One Dimension. 8. The Three-Dimensional Schrodinger Equation. 9. Electron Spin. 10. Multielectron Atoms the Pauli Principle and the Periodic Table. 11. Atomic Transitions and Radiation. III. SYSTEMS WITH TWO OR MORE ATOMS. 12. Molecules. 13. Solids - Theory. 14. Solids - Applications. 15. Statistical Mechanics. IV. SUBATOMIC PHYSICS. 16. The Structure of Atomic Nuclei. 17. Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions. 18. Elementary Particles. APPENDIXES. A. Physical Constants. B. Useful Mathematical Relations. C. Alphabetical List of the Elements. D. Atomic and Nuclear Data. Suggestions for Further Reading. Picture Credits and References. Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems. Index.