Automated processing and uninterrupted supply of hydrogen: A road map of future green energy

A comprehensive hydrogen processing unit (HPU) is presented for uninterrupted supplying of it at desired pressure rate. The pressurized Hydrogen is used for the cooling of large size generators in integrated gasification combined cycle power plants. It can also be seen as one of the future sources of fuel for automobile applications. Thereby, it reduces the chances of green house gases emission. Equally, Hydrogen can be utilized as a future source of energy for the automobiles. A novel HPU clubbed with highly reliable and efficient process automation system is proposed. The work includes a comparison between the proposed and the existing systems in terms of system reliability. The algorithm for system reliability is developed on MATLAB platform. The effectiveness of real-time featured proposed HPU is validated by computer simulation. The entire process automation system is designed and simulated on FT-View32 Works. It meets the specifications guided by IEEE C37.1-2007, IEC 61131-3 and IEEE 1413-2010.