Polymer Flood Application to Improve Heavy Oil Recovery at East Bodo

The East Bodo, Lloydminster SS heavy oil pool has been ex ploited using primary recovery and waterflood. IOR screening showed that a polymer flood would be a preferred IOR technique. Subsequent coreflood tests indicated that the polymer flood could recover 20% OOIP incremental oil, after waterflooding, to a 95% water cut. Data gathered from the coreflood was used to fine tune the reservoir simulation model to help design the pilot and predict potential economic reserve capture for a commercial fieldwide polymer flood. Subsequently, a pilot was initiated. During the pilot operation, achieving the target polymer viscosity, de pendant on water quality, proved to be a significant challenge. Early field response is being observed through an increase in injection pressure, reduced water cut and polymer breakthrough. Further positive response of this polymer pilot allows for the expansion of the polymer flood technology to other parts of this res ervoir; some with bottomwater and gas cap. This paper reviews the progress of the East Bodo polymer flood, from laboratory concept to working field application, in four major steps: 1) IOR screening using simulations and coreflooding, 2) field pilot design/implementation, 3) pilot performance, and 4) next steps. bottomwater. A plan of progression aligned with the priorities of Pengrowth was laid out as follows: