Proceedings of the 2010 ACM workshop on Social, adaptive and personalized multimedia interaction and access
It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the International Workshop on Social, Adaptive and Personalized Multimedia Interaction and Access (SAPMIA 2010). This year's workshop is supported by several European Research Projects on State of the Art topics in Multimedia and attempts to provide a forum to disseminate work that explicitly exploits the synergy between multimedia content analysis, personalisation, and next generation networking and community aspects of social networks.
This workshop attempts to present the new scenery in multimedia networking, as this is identified through the integration of multimedia content analysis techniques with information derived from users, networked communities, and context awareness, in a mission to present, discuss and develop new adaptation and personalization approaches from which users of multimedia can benefit.
The call for papers attracted submissions from Asia, Canada and Europe. The program committee accepted 15 papers that cover a variety of topics, including interactive multimedia systems, adaptive browsing, and user interfaces, collaborative search, personalized access to multimedia content, robust and scalable multimedia content distribution, content-based recommendation, semantic technologies for multimedia content personalization and adaptation, and social multimedia applications. In addition, the program includes a keynote speech by Touradj Ebrahimi entitled "QoE of video streaming in P2P/social networks".