Cryptographic Boolean Functions with R

Abstract A new package called boolfun is avail-able for R users. The package provides tools tohandle Boolean functions, in particular for cryp-tographic purposes. This document guides theuser through some (code) examples and gives afeel of what can be done with the package.A Boolean function is a mapping f0,1g n !f0,1g.Those mappings are of much interest in the design ofcryptographic algorithms such as secure pseudoran-dom number generators (for the design of stream ci-phers among other applications), hash functions andblock ciphers. The lack of open source software toassess cryptographic properties of Boolean functionsand the increasing interest for statistical testing ofproperties related to random Boolean functions (Fil-iol,2002;Saarinen,2006;Englund et al.,2007;Au-masson et al.,2009) are the main motivations for thedevelopment of this package.The number of Boolean functions with n vari-ables is 2 2 n , i.e. 2 possible output values for each ofthe 2 n input assignments. In this search space ofsize 2