On harmonic maps

The subject of harmonic maps is vast and has found many applications, and it would require a very long book to cover all aspects, even superficially. Hence, we have made a choice; in particular, highlighting the key questions of existence, uniqueness and regularity of harmonic maps between given manifolds. Thus we shall survey some of the main methods of global analysis for answering these questions. We first consider relevant aspects of harmonic functions on Euclidean space; then we give a general introduction to harmonic maps. The core of our work is in Chapters 3–6 where we present the analytical methods. We round of the article by describing how twistor theory and integrable systems can be used to construct many more harmonic maps. On the way, we mention harmonic morphisms: maps between Riemannian manifolds which preserve Laplace’s equation; these turn out to be a particular class of harmonic maps and exhibit some properties dual to those of harmonic maps. More information on harmonic maps can be found in the following articles and books; for generalities: [61, 62, 63, 219], analytical aspects: [21, 88, 103, 118, 131, 133, 135, 189, 204, 194], integrable systems methods: [73, 94, 117], applications to complex and Kähler geometry: [63, 135], harmonic morphisms: [7], and other topics: [64, 231].

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