[Combined paravertebral lumbar plexus and parasacral sciatic nerve block for reduction of hip fracture in four patients with severe heart failure].

We experienced four cases of anesthesia for hip fracture reduction in patients with severe heart failure, where anesthesia was attempted with combined paravertebral lumbar plexus and parasacral sciatic nerve block instead of spinal anesthesia. The anesthesia was successful without any sequelae. The patients' characteristics are as follows. Case 1: 97-year-old woman with severe heart failure and old myocardial infarction. Case 2: 91-year-old man with pacemaker, heart failure and heart valve disease. Case 3: 93-year-old woman with severe heart failure and multi-vessel coronary artery stenosis. Case 4: 83-year-old woman with congestive heart failure and heart valve disease. Paravertebral lumbar plexus block was performed with Touhy needle which was directed to lumbar transverse process, then re-directed caudally. Psoas compartment was felt with loss of resistance. Twelve ml of 0.25% bupivacaine was injected. Sciatic nerve block was performed with a needle which was inserted at the midpoint between the greater trochanter and the sacral hiatus without (case 1, 2) or with nerve stimulator (case 3, 4). Eight ml of 0.25% bupivacaine was injected. During the anesthesia, propofol was injected for light sedation. Although this combined nerve block is difficult to perform compared with spinal anesthesia, this could be applicable for hip fracture reduction anesthesia, especially in patients with severe heart failure.