Efforts to improve the quality of human resources such as Indonesia can be done through science education. Science is full of activities thought to be a vehicle for improving the quality of human resources in Indonesia, especially in developing thinking skills. The formation of these skills is crucial in the development of personalities and patterns of action in the life of every human being Indonesia, because it is the learning of science need to be empowered to achieve that purpose. Science education had done much to develop higher level thinking that one of them is critical thinking. To determine the level of success in developing students' critical thinking, required an assessment tool that can measure these abilities. Basic test of critical thinking skills should be developed in all subjects. Chemical subjects which have applications in everyday life can be a good start in answering these challenges. Critical thinking skills can be developed through the concept of carbon compounds which have the characteristics of a concept that involves drawing symbols. Formulation of the problem in this study is how the measuring tool that needs to be developed that can accurately measure the critical thinking skills of high school students as a result of learning the concept of hydrocarbons? The purpose of this research is to develop measurement tools of critical thinking on the concept of hydrocarbon compounds for high school students and know the description of critical thinking skills of high school students in the District of Brass on the concept of hydrocarbon compounds. Design used in this study is "Research and Development (R & D)" of the model Borg (1989). Research sites in the high school in the district of Brass. The subjects in this study were high school science class II is determined at random 107 students from schools in the District Brass. The instruments used in this study form beads tiered multiple-choice test questions. Technique of data collection is done through a written test. Quantitative data in the form of data acquisition score of critical thinking skills students are treated statistically. Differences in critical thinking skills of high school students based on the ranking of schools in the District Brass done statistical tests by using ANOVA test of the two pathways. The results showed that there are differences in the average critical thinking skills among high school students in the region which is an average Brass thinking skills critical top-ranked schools = 38.70, the average skill of critical thinking high school rank = 32.98, and average skills critical thinking ranked schools under = 33.50. This indicates that the test developed to distinguish critical thinking skills among high school in the district of Brass.