Advantages of Fiber Rope Over Wire Rope
Over the years, fiber ropes have increased in strength to the point where they began to replace wire ropes in some applications. The major factors have been the development of high tenacity fibers and the advancements in fiber rope constructions. This started with high tenacity nylon and polyester fiber ropes, ropes combining both of those fibers, the combining of polyester and polypropylene ropes and ropes combining polypropylene and polyethylene. This was followed by the development of high-tech fibers, with the result that stronger and stronger ropes could be produced to the ultimate where a fiber strength member can provide a 10–1 strength-to-weight ratio advantage over wire rope. At the same time, new finishes for fibers were developed that improved durability and strength retention, new constructions were able to provide increased translation efficiency, and better inspection and testing methods were developed. Application advantages are discussed, each having a number of factors that reduce costs, even though the actual cost of the fiber strength member may be slightly higher than for wire. The result is a rationale that when the cost of a flexible strength member is fully measured there is a strong reason that a fiber strength member, when compared with a wire rope, can save money and improve operations in an increasing range of applications.