Design and Implementation of Event Analysis/Arrange Function for Mobile Device Simulator

Generally, the simulator for mobile device tests automatically an application software after instilling again the event, which is saved in log file according to an event generation sequence, into the application software of device. But, the simulator performance for mobile device can be different according to a extraction layer even if the events are same. And, the sequence of events extracted from an application is changeable in the environment that multiple applications are operated concurrently. Therefore, even though the same applications is executed to the same sequence, the generation sequence of events is revised in accordance with the state of mobile device system, and whether the errors occur according to circumstances or not . This kind of application software error is very difficult to perform a debugging operation. In this paper, the execution state of various applications is verifiable through the re-editing of events after analyzing the events which is generated in application, kernel, middleware layer, and the event arrange/editor is designed and implemented to understand efficiently the influence on application, kernel, and middleware layer for events.