Thresholds in Feminist Geography: Difference, Methodology, Representation

Introduction, John Paul Jones III, Heidi J. Nast, and Susan M. Roberts Difference - the paradox of difference and diversity (or, Why the threshold keeps moving), Audrey Kobayashi community, identity and place, Laura Pulido identity, space and politics - a critique of the poverty debates, Melissa R. Gilbert women's life courses, spatial mobility, and state policies, Glenda Laws making space - separatism and difference, Gill Valentine the meaning of home workplaces for women, Sherry Ahrentzen hearing from quiet students - the politics of science and of voice in geography classrooms, Karen Nairn methodological frontiers as the world turns - new horizons in feminist geographic methodologies, Susan Hanson counting women's work - the intersection of place and time, Vidyamali Samarasinghe feminist critical realism - a method for gender and work studies in geography, Karen Falconer Al-Hindi the home as "field" - researching households and homework in rural Appalachia, Ann Oberhauser dialogue with difference - a tale of two studies, Isabel Dyck exploring methodological borderlands through oral narratives, Richa Nagar with "stout boots and a stout heart" - feminist methodology and historical gepgraphy, Mona Domosh representation marginal notes on representation, Janice Monk charting the other map(s) - cartography and visual methods in feminist research, Nikolas H. Huffman for whom shall we write? what voice shall we use? which story shall we tell?, Lydia Mihelic Pulsipher redefining the barricades - latina lesbian politics and the creation of an oppositional public sphere, Patricia Meono-Picado gender, race and diaspora - racialized identities of emigrant Irish women, Bronwen Walter sweet surrender, but what's the gender? - nature and the body in the writings of 19th-century Mormon women, Jeanne Kay the cultural construction of rurality - gender identities and the rural idyll, Francine Watkins.