Environmental influences on aquatic plants in freshwater ecosystems

Aquatic plants are important components of many freshwater ecosystems. In this review we examine natural and anthropogenic influences on the distribution and abundance of aquatic plants, and develop a conceptual model of those diverse interactions. Species of aquatic plants vary greatly in their anatomy, physiology, life-history traits, and ability to tolerate inorganic and biological stressors. Key examples of inorganic stressors are extreme regimes of flow velocity, irradiance, salinity, ice cover, temperature, nutrients, and pollutants. Stressors associated with competition, herbivory, and disease may also limit the ability of species to utilize otherwise suitable habitats. Some aquatic plants have a cosmopolitan distribution and display high levels of polymorphism and phenotypic plasticity in response to variations of environmental factors; these qualities allow them to occur over a wide range of conditions. Other species, however, have narrower tolerances and are potentially useful indicators of envi...

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