Lov^sz and Schrijver (1991) described a semidcfinile operator for generating strong valid inequalities for the 0-! vectors in a prescribed polyhedron. Among their resuli.s. they showed ihai ii iterations of the operator are .sufficient to generate the convex hull ot" O-l vectors contained in a polyhedron in /i-space. We give a simple example, having Chvdtal rank 1. tliat meetii this worst case bound of ;i. We describe another example requiring « iterations even when combinini; ihe scniidefinite and Gomory-Chviltal operators. Thi.s second example is used to show ihai the standard linear programming relaxation of a A-city traveling salesman problem requires at least [k/^l iterations of the combined operaior; Lhis bound is best possible, up to a consiani factor, as A HI iterations suffice.
C. Burdet,et al.
On cutting planes
Tamon Stephen,et al.
On a Representation of the Matching Polytope Via Semidefinite Liftings
Math. Oper. Res..
László Lovász,et al.
Critical Facets of the Stable Set Polytope
Gregory Gutin,et al.
The traveling salesman problem
Discret. Optim..
Alexander Schrijver,et al.
Cones of Matrices and Set-Functions and 0-1 Optimization
SIAM J. Optim..
Friedrich Eisenbrand,et al.
On the Chvátal Rank of Polytopes in the 0/1 Cube
Discret. Appl. Math..