[Endoscopic Browlift via Endotine Forehead Device in Patients with Facial Palsy].

Objective Forehead and brows form a critical aesthetic and functional subunit of the face. Chronical pPeripheral paralysis of the facial nerve or its frontal branch may cause brow ptosis and eyelid deformities with a limited field of vision and loss of facial symmetry. Techniques, especially endoscopic methods have evolved significantly. Endotine Forehead Device, an adsorbable device, is a promising tool for brow suspension. Material and Methods 9 patients underwent brow and forehead lift surgery via Endotine Forehead Device. Intraoperative handling, complications, and the surgical outcome were assessed. To analyze postoperative symmetry FACEgram software was used. Follow-up was about 3,6 months after surgery. As a patient oriented outcome parameter the Glasgow Benefit Inventory Questionnaire was assessed about 10 months after surgery. Results Using the Endotine Forehead Device via an endoscopic approach was helpful to recreate a symmetrical upper third of the face. Few adverse effects could be observed:. One relapse was detected, one patient complained about the palpability of the device. Patients stated an improved quality of life after surgery, overall benefit in quality of life was +29,2 (SD 13,6). Conclusions Endotine Forehead Device is a successful minimally invasive tool for endoscopic brow and forehead lift surgery in patients with facial paralysis.