Broadband folded offset fed printed dipole antenna for GSM/W-CDMA/LTE/WiFi/Bluetooth M2M applications

We propose a new broadband folded offset fed printed dipole antenna for wireless telecommunications modules that actualizes Machine-to-Machine applications. The proposed antenna is based on the folded offset fed dipole antenna structure. We obtain the broad Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) (≤2) bandwidth of 71.2% by adjusting the shape of the folded element. This antenna achieves operation in multiple bands including GSM 1800 (DCS 1800), GSM 1900 (PCS 1850), W-CDMA (Bands I, II, IV, and V), LTE (Band 1), WiFi (2.4 GHz), and Bluetooth. The proposed antenna has omni-directional patterns in all operating bands. Frequency characteristics are analyzed using a simulator based on the method of moments, and the validity of the numerical results is shown based on measured VSWR characteristics of the prototype antenna.