Experimental Measurements of VOC and Radon in Two Romanian Classrooms

Abstract The present study reports by experimental measurements the levels of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and radon concentrations in two high school classrooms. The difference between the two classrooms abbreviated as S7 and S8 is the presence of a mechanical ventilation system in one of them (S8). The topic is of high importance as the indoor air quality (IAQ) can affect the health and learning performance of the pupils. VOC and RADON have a substantial weight of IAQ and a study of theirs level can help us to better understand at what levels the children are exposed daily. The two mentioned classroom have suffered recently a massive renovation. The classroom with the ventilation system was mounted with variable flow of fresh air, while the other one relies only on natural ventilation by opening the windows. In S8 several test were done for different fresh air ventilation rates. The conclusions were that in the classroom S7 there were measured high levels of VOC and radon, higher than the maximum admissible which is a serious problem. On the other hand, in the classroom S8 for all the different air rates the values were very low, thus creating a healthy and comfortable environment for the learning process. In this article we raise again the problem of lack of a mechanical ventilation system in all Romanian schools. Due to thermal rehabilitation of the buildings the building is air sealed with negative impact on the introduced fresh air. Moreover, the high number of occupants in the classroom and the renovation of classroom have negative influence on all indoor pollutants levels. The only solution to these problems is a correct design of a school or to install other ways to mechanically introduce the fresh air.